Jakarta is known for jams, it is because many private vehicles are chosen as a means of transportation. To streamline the system of restrictions on private vehicles, improvements must be made to increase the number of public transport as an alternate means of transportation.
Public transport is the most appropriate options to address congestion. according to information currently in the number of vehicles in Jakarta based on data that had already reached 7 million. For two-wheel vehicles have already achieved 12 percent growth each year, and four-wheeled vehicle was approaching pertambahannya lift 4 million per year. But of the total vehicles that have only 5 percent of public transport in Jakarta. Though public transport load is high enough that the figure reached 55 percent.
Public transport has not become the best alternative, transportation such as buses and mini buses nearly all of them could not be used. It's very, very ironic that a state capital that should carry the identity of a country precisely in terms of public transport problems it is still so bad.
Public transport in Jakarta, especially in economy class was very improper. Impropriety can be seen from the form of general angkotan which already looks very porous, which has a lot of paint peeling off, rusty, Per, which seemed to have no function, that is certain fumes escaped ga emissions testing and many more ills of public transport in the Capital City Country Indonesian named Jakarta.
It turns out dilapidation transportation in Jakarta is still aggravated by unpleasant bobroknya of like speeding and drivers who violate traffic with reason to pursue payment. Perhaps also the depravity of the drivers also bobroknya followed by the relevant agencies in this case the department of Transportation that maybe they're smart and clever in finding a pretext in their becusan instability in addressing transportation problems in Jakarta.
Trans Jakarta bus (Bus Way) that should have an advanced transport solution in jakrta still can not properly exploited by Jakarta residents. Or maybe not one lazy people who ride the bus but it was way in the management of this busway itself is still a lot kekuranganya. This can be seen from the corridor that he said would be in fact still not operasionalkan all busway corridors in operation. this causes people jakarta still choose public transportation as a means of transportation for them.
To overcome the problem of poor transportation in Jakarta is indeed required the attention of many parties. Especially in this case is the Department of Transportation. because they had full authority related Naturalife Greenworld this problem. In addition to Office communications, public transport entrepreneurs also got to fix their buses so that residents can enjoy the facilities of transportation which could be better than today. Jakarta citizens also need to participate in the orderly jakrta riding public transportation in the area by bus through the bus stop waiting for that has been provided or just come in the nearest terminal so as not to disturb traffic.
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
Diposting oleh nita asyifa di 03.24
Label: inggris bisnis
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